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August 13, 2010


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The problem with this bill is its timing. It can solely be used to mitigate teacher unemployment but how? Reports say that money won't arrive for another 45 days. What school is going to bring in new staff, re-arrange classes, class size and scheduling on October 1? None! Which means that if they did re-hire anyone, it probably wouldn't be until January and they'd only get a half year... those who haven't already found other jobs. And of course, this money is a one-shot deal so schools are just going to have to re-fire anyone they re-hire after only half a year. The problem with NYS education is that the state mandates too much vis-a-vis the aid it provides to districts. I re-state my long-held belief that the state should cover 100% of whatever it mandates and let districts cover anything optional (sports, clubs, etc). This might make the state a little less willy nilly about what it mandates.

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This blog is by Bob (Robert C.) Conner, a longtime journalist and author of the 2018 novel "The Last Circle of Ulysses Grant" published by Square Circle Press, and a 2013 biography "General Gordon Granger" published by Casemate. He is currently writing a biography of the Kansas abolitionist Col. James Montgomery. His Civil War blog can be found at robertcconnerauthor.blogspot.com
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